Due to its proximity to the Mediterranean sea and surrounding countries (like Italy... can you say pasta and pizza!?), they have some DELICIOUS cuisine! We indulged in all the classic dishes on the food tour I took in Nice, France. So take out a notepad and write down these locations (or your note app, duh) or take the tour for yourself... but either way you can't go to Nice without trying these dishes!

The tour was about five hours long and 95 euros per person. A little pricier than what I normally book, but I was with my parents. However, it was a good value for the money!

First treat: Tourte de blettes: a tart made with swiss chard, raisins, and pine nuts.

Candy store: Le Roy René. They specialize in candied fruits.

Olio Donato: A family run speciality gourmet shop. Their entire production is handmade and has been passed down from generation to generation since 1939. We indulged in the olive oil, truffle products, homemade nutella, and more! A GREAT spot to get some gifts. We brought home the truffle salt and truffle risotto.

Happy hour at St. Riquiers. We tried the pastis which is a anise-flavored liquor topped with water.

The tour guides brought us a Pissaladière. It’s a pizza crust topped with cartelized onions, olives, and anchovies.

Then we went for dinner at Lu Fran Calin. We each had “l’assiette dégustation” or the “tasting plate.”

For some dessert, we indulged in gelato at Oui, Jelato. What a sweet ending!

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at

Hailey Ingraham