Sometimes I wake up and forget I’m in France. Going through the motions on the daily grind, you often don’t take the time to acknowledge the quirks. One of those quirks: french supermarkets! In some towns, they still don’t even have these superstores. In my town of Saint Dizier, we do. It’s called Cora.

  1. Cora isn’t open on Sundays! I learned this one the hard way unfortunately. One Sunday afternoon I was still nursing a hangover and had ZERO groceries. I forced myself to get up and get moving, walked the whole mile to the store, and when i got there it was closed!!! I had to settle for the closest next thing open, McDonalds. Don’t make this mistake— get your shopping done during the week!

  2. You have to pay a deposit to use a shopping cart. The shopping carts remain locked until you put in a euro! And FYI the carts are smaller here. Oh and by the way, this is at some airports too to use the luggage carts!

  3. You have to weigh your own fruits and vegetables. I made this mistake for the first time when I was studying abroad in Lyon, France. I got to the register with all my fruits and veggies just to be scoffed at by the cashier who pointed to the scale at the back of the store! So don’t make my mistake, weigh your own produce!

  4. Milk isn’t found in the refrigerator. This one was a weird one for me, how does their milk not spoil? Well, they use a different pasteurization process. Because they pasteurize at a higher temperature, it lasts for much longer and doesn’t need to be kept cold!

  5. Amazing cheese selections. Now this is one I can get behind. In France, the cheese selection will be like nothing you’ve ever seen before! There are SO many different types, and it’s actually affordable!

  6. Peanut butter is half the size for twice the price. This one is still bizarre to me… they have jams, jellies, spreads, and Nutella for DAYS and yet the peanut butter selection is small to non existent. If your store has it, it will be in the international aisle and it’ll cost you a pretty penny.

  7. The toilet paper is pink! Not sure why… or why I find this cool… but I do! Lol

  8. Everything is smaller in size. Like literally everything. I understand when it’s food items, that way you don’t waste as much. But when it comes to my shampoo and conditioner… why can't I find a normal size???

  9. They focus on french-made. This is something I absolutely love about France. French people go out of their way to purchase the items made in France, and it’s clear from the way the shelves are stocked!

  10. Plastic will cost you! Another great thing that I believe is slowly making its way to the states… you have to pay for your plastic bags! They are 15 cents at Cora. It’s a great incentive to bring your own reusable bags!

All in all, things aren’t ALL that different… and you can get used to it in no time!

Hailey Ingraham