As a solo traveler (or even duo), hostels are the answer to your light wallet’s prayers.

Hostels get a bad wrap. I mean the first time I mentioned I was staying in one to my mom, the look of disgust on her face looked was as if I said I was sleeping in a horse barn. That, or people automatically bring up the movie Taken. Well guess what?? I’m here, countless hostels later, to tell you that if a low budget trip is what you’re looking for… hostels are here for you.

Here’s the thing— travel is so accessible to the 20-somethings these days. I mean seriously you can book a trip in under 5 minutes from the palm of your hand. It’s no longer just long-haired stoned hippies traveling Europe, now you have the self-involved Instagram generation in on the fun. The idea of backpacking Europe has become second-nature to us, and thus the accommodations have evolved to fit our needs.

I mean how often are you really in your room anyway? For 20 bucks a night (and sometimes less), you have a place to eat, get ready, and pass out after a long day (or night if we’re being honest). They have common areas that you can hangout in if you do need to relax, and kitchens with all of the utensils you’ll need to save a couple bucks on food. Hostels often offer a breakfast buffet for 5 euros or less, and they even run free events like day tours or pub crawls.

Sure, I’ve stayed in some hostels that are better than others… but I’ve never had a completely awful experience at one either. The key is to live by the reviews. Reviews are ur new BFF.

Should I make a post describing how to choose a hostel? Let me know on my latest Instagram or Facebook post!

Hailey Ingraham