Ahh the city of lights, only the epitome of my adolescent self’s daydreams while I sat in a high school classroom butchering words like bonjour and au revoir. Well friends, I’ve come a long way since then, 5 Parisian adventures more to be exact. And now I want to share my 3-day all encompassing trip itinerary with you—

On commence!

I’m modeling the schedule off of my last trip, when I was coming from the United States, so if you want my tips on how to survive that flight look here. But if you’re already doing your European-thang and traveling from some other amazing destination, don’t worry about it!

If you’re arriving by airport:

When you arrive at the airport you’ll have to go through customs. The line is usually pretty long, but it moves surprisingly fast. All you have to do is show them your passport, they’ll give you a little stamp (that you will likely show off years from now as you flip through your passport pages to brag about your amazing time in Paris). Next you’ll go to baggage claim to pick up your checked bag and then proceed to your mode of transportation into the city. 

Assuming you’re coming from Charles de Gaulle airport, you have a few options. If there’s a group of you, a taxi is probably the easiest way to go. And at a 55 euro flat rate, it isn’t so bad to split among a group. Uber is possible but often complicated to explain exactly where you are, so I suggest to go right from the taxi-stand at the airport. If you’re traveling alone, the other more cost-efficient option is to take the metro.

If you’re arriving by another transportation start here:

Idk about you but after sitting on a plane/train for hours, i need to change my clothes, so no matter how you pack the rest of your bag… keep your outfit for the first day of travel right on top (preferably in your carry on but if not, your checked bag) in a ziplock freezer bag— don’t forget to include your bra, socks, and underwear. Maybe a summer’s eve wipe and some deodorant too lol. This way if your quick change is in a public restroom you’re not fumbling through your stuff to find what you need.

Alright people, now we hit the ground running. If you’re lucky you might be able to check into your hotel or hostel (on my most recent trip I stayed at Le Pradey and Hotel Baume— both great but pricey bc I was with my fam) early, but if not typically everywhere can hold your bags for you while you galavant around the city. 



Okay we’re ready to go now… I suggest just exploring the streets around your hotel for the first hour or so. Take a look at the shops and get a little lay of the land. You’ll probably be hungry so as a true french Parisian would, find yourself a cafe looking out on the streets. You might ask your concierge or someone you meet along the way for a good place near you. And OF COURSE a glass of wine is required with this lunch… you’re in Paris after all.


Next on the agenda: a walking tour of Paris. Now you may be thinking you can do this on your own, but I’m telling you… you will miss out on so much if you don’t have a guide to explain the significance of the buildings and monuments you’re passing. Paris has such an interesting, and to be blunt, bloody history. The stories of the unfathomable wealth of the Kings and Queens to the raging revolutions are not to be missed. On this past trip I had the luxury of a private tour with an amazing guide named Lili who seriously knows every detail about everything. She has a way of bringing the history to life that has been unparalleled in any other guide I have ever had. But if this turns out to be out of your price range, try something like this free tour of the Notre Dame. The tour guides work for commission, so you tip what you think the tour was worth at the end!


At this point you’re probably exhausted so go back to your accommodations and relax. Get yourself ready for dinner. Ask your concierge for a place close to you or heading towards the Arc de Triomphe, as you will only have an hour or so.


Around 7pm walk down the Champs Élysées and take your time to look into the impressive window displays lined down the street one after the next. I’d skip the actual shopping part, as it is a little touristy, very over-priced, and unbearably C R O W D E D… pretty much my shopping nightmare (but to each her own— no judgement here!).


Sometime around 9:00 (season-depending) jump on the Big Bus night tour around Paris. Sure, it’s very cheesy… but there’s something just so impressive about Paris all lit up at night. It is the city of lights after all. It’s 25 euros and you’ll catch it right in front of the Arc de Triomphe. The highlight in my opinion? Seeing the Eiffel Tower sparkle… it is just breathtaking.



Wake up and head to the Louvre. If you’re not going in with a tour, get there early because the line will get long. As always, I suggest getting yourself a guided tour or another private tour with my girl Lili. I’ll be the first to say it, art museums aren’t always my jam. Walking around looking at paintings just doesn’t really do it for me, but it is SO different when you have someone there making the paintings come to life. You’ll find out why how Nike ripped off Winged Victory, the remarkable story (and mistake) of Venus de Milo, and why Mona Lisa isn’t really all that special.


After that find yourself a lovely café for lunch, but do yourself a favor and get as far away from the Louvre to avoid the tourist traps. Try something in the first arrondissement. Sit at an outside table and just watch people as they pass, très français.


Two options here, or both if you have the time!

Two well-known boutique shopping streets are Rue Sainte Honoré and Rue de la Paix and they are just a few steps away from the Louvre. The fashion district houses both the classes designers like Versace, Hermes, Yves Saint Laurent, but also endless chic trendy boutiques.


Head to Galleries Lafayette (a large mall/department store) to marvel at not only the shopping but the building itself. There are floors upon floors with a ceiling that looks like it belongs in a museum. It’s truly every girl’s shopping dream… and some of it is actually pretty affordable! On the street of Galleries Lafayette you’ll also find a Zara that LITERALLY has the best clothes ever. If you want to come back with some affordable Parisian clothes go there, you won’t regret it. Be warned— both Galleries and the surrounding area will be mobbed with people (do with that what you will).


Go back to your hotel/hostel and prepare yourself for the night ahead of you.


Since you won’t have time to really see the museum, head to the post modern art museum called Centre Pompidou. At the top there is a bar restaurant called Brasserie Georges. The building looks like its under construction from the outside and/or like a human size hamster cage with the escalators enclosed to look like tubes— I think you just have to see it for yourself to understand! But with both indoor and outdoor seating with spectacular views, it’s the perfect way to start your evening. Seeing that Eiffel Tower sparkle just never gets old.


Want to experience a real French dinner? This is the spot. Chez Fernand was one of my absolute favorite places I have ever eaten in France— and we got there by accident! We were meant to go somewhere down the street but we went in here by accident! Between the warm ambiance with the red checkered table cloths, our hilarious waiter who sat down and had a glass of wine with us, and the scrumptious meal finished off with a delicious dessert, it was one of those places where you felt like you were at a friends dining room table… you just don’t want to leave! I will 100-thousand percent be back there! (Make sure you make a reservation— you can always ask your concierge to do it for you)


Head right next door from the restaurant to the bar/club right to the left. The music was bumpin’ and with a few friends it’s hard to see how you wouldn’t have a great time. Be warned: There is a cover fee, but it does come with a drink ticket!



It’s time for Musee D’Orsay, the train station converted into a modern art museum in 1898 to hold the rejects of the Louvre. You heard that right. The Louvre was so selective in its pieces that there was art just sitting in storage for years, so they had to make a new place for it. On the walls you’ll pass modern classics of Van Gogh, Renoir, Cézanne, Monet, & more. Funny that some of most famous artists in history were considered “rejects,” but what can ya do! Buy the tickets online for the skip-the-line option it’s the same price!


If you’re starving after the museum, feel free to find a cafe or sandwich in the area you’re in. If not, I suggest heading to a galette/crepe place to experience a fine french delicacy. And if you see the word “galette” don’t panic, it just means a savory crepe.


One of the oldest districts in Paris, the Montmartre district. Known to tourists as the place to take a picture in front of the Sacré Coeur or see a show at Moulin Rouge, but I’m telling you deep in those cobblestone streets you can find real gems. This area of Paris is striving to stay true to its roots, meaning only speciality stores. It can make for some great shopping!


This free walking tour is a fun way to hear some of the more pop-culture history of Paris. Taking you through the streets and heading up the hill, you’ll stop to see the old apartment of Picasso and the drinking spots of Salvador Dali. You’ll learn the unique history of this neighborhood, and you end up right at the Sacre Coeur. And it’s free! Of course you must tip at the end, but still a lot less than a traditional tour.


Make your way back down to your accommodations and prepare yourself for the best freakin cheese of your life!!!


For dinner you must check out Le Petit Pontoise (also critical to make a reservation). They have a melted camembert cheese appetizer that makes my mouth water just typing about it. It is a very quaint restaurant, like the tables are practically on top of each other… but it is just so quintessentially french that you have to appreciate it. Bon appetit !


End your night with a cocktail at one of the bougiest hotels I’ve ever seen. It’s called Hôtel de Crillon and it is right on the Place de la Concorde. You’ll feel like a millionaire sipping on a fancy cocktail and eating delectable desserts in a gold covered room with a ceiling painted like a sky. Sure, you might spend 25 euros a cocktail… but if you can splurge for one, it’s worth it!

All in all…

Well girlies I hope you will enjoy Paris as much as I do. If you follow this guide and practice a few french phrases, you should be good to go. But don’t be afraid to veer off and do your own thing. Some of my most favorite things in Paris I’ve just happened to stumble upon while exploring down a side street or meeting someone along the way who gave a recommendation. Bon voyage girlies!

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