Oh you fancy, huh.

Vienna is hands-down one of the most beautiful cities I’ve ever been too. The streets have an indescribable elegance… it’s almost as if they know that they’ve had some of the most intelligent people walking them just a few hundred years ago (AKA Beethoven, Mozart, Sigmund Freud, and the list goes on…).

And many moons before that, it was also home to the Habsburg family, who were once in control of the Holy Roman Empire. Think about them as the modern-day Kennedy’s… but royalty and richer. The Habsburgs liked to live in style, which explains why beautiful palaces are just plopped all over the city. And unlike some of it’s eastern European counterparts, only about 20% of the city was lost during WWII, which means a lot of it is still original!

Now, I only had 24 hours in this beautiful city, so I had to make the most of it! And by that I mean, I walked about 25,000 steps! Of course you could always sub in some public transport here or there, but if you walk you will inevitably see more of the city. 

Here’s my guide to Vienna, Austria:

Tour It Up

Start off your day with a free tour of the city at 10am. I went with “Good Tours.” Unlike in some other cities, you must go through a rigorous education certification to be a guide in Vienna. So you know your guide will be knowledgable! I thought this tour provided a great overview of the centuries of history. From the glamorous years to the dark war times, there’s a lot to unload here! (and nearly impossible to figure out by yourself). So join that tour group and don’t forget to tip at the end!

Meeting point is at Albertinaplatz 1 1010 Wien.

Lunch O’Clock

I asked our tour guide for a recommendation on where to eat, and she sent me down the street to a place called Joma. The menu features a modern take on some Austrian classics, as well as a fusion into some international cuisine. I had a sweet salmon on an avocado bun topped with sesame seeds. It was D E L I C I O U S!

Hoher Markt 10, 1010 Wien, Austria


Belvedere— No not the vodka

Now that your belly is full, it’s time to do some more walking. Head to Belevedere which is composed of two Baroque palaces and large gardens. The palaces were built as a summer home for Prince Eugene of Savoy during the Habsburg dynasty, but now is home to the Belvedere museum. The museum holds the greatest collection of Austrian art dating from the Middle Ages to present day. However, because I was short on time, I skipped the museum and just walked around the palace grounds (which is free!).

Prinz Eugen-Straße 27, 1030 Wien, Austria

Is it the Lord’s Day or Leg Day???

St. Stephen’s Cathedral was created in the 1300s and has seen many historical events take place during the Habsburg and Austrian rule. With the colorful roof, it’s kind of hard to miss! If you’re up to the challenge, you can walk up the stairs of the South Tower for 4 euros. Now it’s no small feat, it’s over 340 steps practically straight up… but the city views from the top are undeniable! And being up there in that small tower gave me TOTAL Disney princes vibes—just me? OK. Claustrophobic people, you might want to skip this one. But if you can hack it, you’ll get a great picture AND a killer leg workout… win-win!

Stephansplatz 3, 1010 Wien, Austria

Book Worms Delight

If you thought the last place was giving you princess vibes, you are in for a treat at the State Hall of the Austrian National Library… I 100% felt like Belle as I walked through this amazing library. (Is it a problem that I compare everything to Disney? probably). Floor to ceiling of books and a painted ceiling that belongs in an art gallery, it’s worth the 8 euros to see it for yourself.

Josefsplatz 1, 1010 Wien, Austria

Music to My Ears

Last visit of the day, so we’re picking a fun one! The Haus der Musik (or House of Music) is a modern, interactive sound museum, and it is NOT to be missed. First you will learn all about the science of sound, then go through Composer-themed rooms like Beethoven and Mozart. Lastly, you will test your musical skills with the conducting simulator (which WILL boo you if you suck, so be warned!). Price is 13 euros for adults and 9 euros for students. Seriously guys, it’s a fun one!

Seilerstätte 30, 1010 Wien, Austria

Ring Ring It’s the Dinner Bell

It’s been a long day, so I’m sure you’ve worked up quite the appetite. Head just across the street to 1516 Brewing Company. They have a mix of the Austrian and German classics as well as some American favorites. They’re known for a great selection of beer, and the food was delicious!

Schwarzenbergstraße 2, 1010 Wien, Austria

Late Night Special

By that point my group and I were pretty damn exhausted, so we didn’t make it late night… but if you’re looking for some drinking spots I’ve heard Flex and Pratersauna are a good time!

Augartenbrücke 1, 1010 Wien, Austria

Waldsteingartenstraße 135, 1020 Wien, Austria


I stayed at the Wombats City Hostel Vienna — The Naschmarkt. It was a great hostel. It was clean and there was a bar on the main floor. I would recommend it!

Rechte Wienzeile 35, 1040 Wien, Austria

I hope you have a great trip to Vienna! Don’t hesitate to ask me any questions on my Instagram @PlaneToChampagne or email PlaneToChampagne@gmail.com.

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