Dont get me wrong, I love France. But like what can I say? I’m a true American at heart. And I don’t care how many french eye-rolls I get, there are some things that I cannot and will not give up. So, here we go…

1. To-go coffee

In all reality, I’d really love to have Starbucks cup every morning… Unfortunately I have to settle for just an at-home brew in a silver and black to-go mug. And to the French, this is crazy. They’ll drink coffee in the morning at home, and they’ll even make a cup wherever they are going… but the idea of bringing it with you? Madness.

2. Showing up painfully early to everything

To me, meeting at 7 means arriving at 6:45. Even in the States this is painfully early… but to me: early is on time and on time is late. In France, they have a different regard for time all together. No one is ever in a rush, and I’m pretty sure half of them don’t own a watch (or so it would seem by their tardiness). It probably would be better to adopt their laissez-faire, get there when we get there, attitude, but I don’t see that happening anytime soon.

3. Hydration station

The French must think I’m a camel due to all of the water I drink. I always have a bottle of water on me, I can’t help it. They drink water like they’re in a drought or something… They use baby little cups in lunch room that I swear I have to fill 800 times to even come close to quenching my thirst. I’m not a barbie doll people… can I get a full size cup!?

4. Peanut butter

They have 1 trillion varieties of jam and jelly and enough Nutella to satisfy a starving village, but ask for more than one variety of peanut butter? Scoff, you silly American. On top of that, it’s extremely expensive!! I talk all about this in my article on French supermarkets. But here I am, still buying it anyway. Darn my wholesome American PB&J style upbringing !!

5. Working on my fitness (he’s my witness oooo weeeee)

— that was a Fergie reference if you thought I was off my rocker or something

Okay so French people kind of workout… like maybe they’ll go on a run or swim at the pool. But a squat jump, plank kind of workout? Think again. I, unfortunately, will come home looking like a beached whale if I don’t hit that HIIT, so I do it anyway.

6. Leisure leggings

Athletic wear just isn’t the jam here. The problem is, I have to walk like a mile to the grocery store… and I don’t really want to do that in jeans! So I stick with the leggings. If you want to learn more about French fashion check out this video.

7. Eggs for breakfast

Don’t get me wrong, the French people LOVE their eggs. Quiches are a staple… but that’s a lunch food. Me though? I love a good scrambled egg or omelette for breakfast. I even got the little kid I babysit hooked on it. Eggs for breakfast all the way!!! Extra points for bacon :) 

8. Ugg boots

Okay, so I guess these are technically Australian… but eh tomato, tomato (you’re supposed to pronounce those differently there). In the winter, I need to wear my Uggs. Don’t care how they look, they keep my feet warm. And ya girl can NOT cope with cold feet.

9. Early dinner

Don’t get me wrong, on the weekends I love a late dinner. Bring on the 9pm reservation!! But during the week? Heck no. I like to eat dinner at a nice 7pm during the week, but that’s too early for the French. Don’t care, I do it anyway.

10. Cheerful attitude

Last but certainly not least, I just can’t give up my cheerful, optimistic personality. The french have a very subdued attitude. Very, cool girl. And I’m over here smiling ear to ear practically doing cartwheels… big American giveaway. But that’s who I am, and I like who I am!

As I always say, you just gotta do what works for you. I just wanted to poke a little fun and make some interesting cultural comparisons. I love a lot about France, but these American things aren’t going anywhere, anytime soon!

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