It’s raining cats and dogs! Break a leg! Don’t put all your eggs in one basket! Say these phrases in French, and they’ll look at you like you have a thousand heads! It’s not that they don’t use idioms… they just use different ones.

So, let’s get into it!

Love & Relationships

-Avoir un coup de foudre

*(LITERALLY) to have a struck of lightning 

*Love at first sight (can also be used for objects)

-Se prendre un râteau 

*(LITERALLY) to hit a rake

*when the person you like rejects you, to get knocked back

-Poser un lapin à quelqu’un 

*(LITERALLY) to put a rabbit to someone 

*to stand somebody up

How you feel

-Avoir le cafard 

*(LITERALLY) to have the cockroach

*to feel blue, down, or depressed

-Avoir la pêche

*(LITERALLY) to have the peach

*to feel great or happy

-Avoir du pain sur la planche 

*(LITERALLY) to have bread on the board

*to have a lot on your plate

-Être à l’ouest 

*(LITERALLY) to be in the west

*to be spaced out or not with it


-Boire comme un trou

*(LITERALLY) drink like a hole

*drink like a fish

-Avoir la gueule de bois

*(LITERALLY) to have the wooden face

*to be hungover


-Pleuvoir des cordes

*(LITERALLY) to be raining ropes

*raining cats and dogs

-Un froid de canard

*(LITERALLY) a cold of duck

*to be bitterly cold


-Une bouchée de pain

*(LITERALLY) for a mouthful of bread

*for next to nothing

-Coûter les yeux de la tête

*(LITERALLY) to cost the eyes of the head

*to cost an arm and a leg


-S’occuper de ses oignons

*(LITERALLY) to take care of one’s onions

*to mind your own business

-En faire tout un fromage

*(LITERALLY) to make a whole cheese out of it

*to make a fuss about something

-Avoir d’autres chats à fouetter

*(LITERALLY) to have other cats to whip

*to have bigger fish to fry

-Les doigts dans le nez

*(LITERALLY) fingers in the nose

*it’s easy to do, with one hand tied behind my back

Well, there you have it! Add a couple of these phrases in, and you’ll sound like a real French pro!