Overnight flights— honestly ew. They’re not fun and nobody likes them (well unless maybe if you’re in first class because those pod things look sick… but honestly that probably sucks too). But we MUST face them, because that’s how we get to some of the most amazing places in the world. So I’ve broken it down to 3 steps: The Prep, The Survival, & The Recovery.

The Prep:

Okay, this one is probably the most important of all of them, because you want to start yourself off on the right foot. For me, it starts the night before. 

My latest trip was Philly to Paris. After adding Paris into my world clock in the clocks app, I saw I’d be losing six hours of sleep. It was really only going to be dinner time when we were in the air, so I prepared for this. The night before I stayed up a little later than usual so I would be tired the next day on the plane to make sleeping at 7pm seem more normal. Make sense?

You also want to make sure you’ve got your sh!t together— set yourself up for success ya know? You want to get your carry-on/ personal item together and organized with everything you’ll need so it’s a stress free flight. 


Save yourself a headache… if your carry-on is going in the overhead bin put EVERYTHING you need during your actual flight in your personal item (i.e. purse, backpack, etc.) But before we get to that, I do suggest making a next-morning kit for your carry-on bag. Get together your outfit for the morning you land. Everything from the shirt, pants, underwear, bra, socks, etc. Have this all packaged together in a separate grocery bag. Have another separate grocery bag for the toiletries: deodorant, face wash, makeup, and a Summer’s Eve wipe does wonders (trust me— this is a M U S T). Then put both of the bags right on top. This way when you arrive and you’re tired AF, you don’t have to fumble through bags in a public restroom to get what you need for the day (because odds are you won’t be able to check-in right away).

Personal Item

Okay, let’s get personal. Well, not really lol… let’s just talk personal items. Make yourself a checklist of the things you will need. Whatever you can get into your bag the night before, do that. Then you’ll just have a couple things to throw in there the next day. In my backpack or longchamp tote I have my…

*Portable charger: I'm telling you this portable charger is a god-send. My dad got it for me and it's literally amazing. It has a charger for my iPhone and Apple Watch at the same time, and charges with a micro-usb.

*Phone Charger

*My iPad mini: They're really not even expensive anymore. You don't need anything fancy, just the capability to hold movies or books. (Make sure it’s loaded up with a couple TV shows or movies, because I’ve been on a plane where my screen was broken… not fun! And it doesn’t have to cost you anything either, just go to the available for download section on Netflix.)

*My iPad headphones

*My iPhone headphones (curse you apple for changing the aux)

*Something non-tech related like a book or magazine (just incase your tech stuff malfunctions or is giving you motion sickness)

*Fuzzy socks

*A sweater

*A sleep mask: I thought this one was cute with the eyelashes! And silk is always nice against the skin! (usually this is given to you, but don’t risk it!)

*Ear plugs (again, usually given to you)

*A neck pillow

*Camera: (if you have one besides your phone) I have both this Canon Powershot and GoPro

*A snack (of course you can get this at the airport, but it’s cheaper to bring yourself)

& of course just alter this list to cater your needs!

The Survival:

Now I call this the survival because no matter which way you do it, sleeping on a plane just isn’t fun. But we will get through it! 

The minute you sit down, put your armrest down next to you. You don’t know who’s going to sit in that seat next to you, and it’s just not worth the risk. Get yourself situated, put your personal item on the floor under the seat in front of you, and try to relax. Now it’s time to pick a movie. Pick wisely… because you will only watch one! I know it’s tempting, as the selection is usually chock-full of the movies I saw previews of but never got around to seeing, but you’ll thank me later. As you are enjoying the film, you’ll enjoy? your in-flight dinner (some are better than others). And here’s my unpopular opinion: DO NOT CONSUME ALCOHOL. Omg I know I’m such a party pooper right? Maybe a little… but here’s my reasoning. A glass of wine or a cocktail may have you feeling sleepy, but the flight is already dehydrating enough, so when you wakeup you end up feeling more groggy/hungover than you do refreshed. Also you will have PLENTY of time on your trip to drink, don’t worry. But hey, you gotta do what works for you girl. If you want it, do you!

Now it’s the moment of truth. Cabin lights are out. It’s bedtime. Get yourself prepared now. I do one of two things first: put my earplugs in OR put my headphones on. I have this free app on my phone called Bed Time Fan which literally just plays the sound of a fan. That’s the noise I sleep to at home, so it works for me! Throw on those fuzzy socks and cocoon yourself up in that provided blanket. Situate your neck pillow in the most comfortable position, which I find to be turning it around backwards. So instead of putting the back of your neck in the hole, put the front of your neck in it. Just try it. And last but not least, the sleep mask to block out any last possible interruption. 

My last piece of advice here? If you do wake up, don’t be checking your phone or open a snack or see what time it is… just close your eyes and try again. You don’t need any distractions, keep your eye on the prize!

The Recovery:

Now you’re in the homestretch. Hopefully you’ve got a little burst of energy as you’re in a new city, and your plans have finally come to fruition! I know you’ll be quick to grab a coffee, I know I always am. I suggest also grabbing a bottle of water. The caffeine will give you a little boost, but the water is the long-term game. Hydration is vital for keeping your energy up. Another quick tip: skip the carb-y breakfast. I know that croissant looks amazing… and it definitely is… but a breakfast with protein will serve you better in the long run. Ehhhhh what the hell… have both! It is vacation after all!

OK you’ve got your quick change kit, so you should be good to go. My last piece of advice is just push through that long day as best as you can. A little 30 minute cat nap is of course fine, but you don’t want to do anything that will ruin your sleep that following night.

What do you guys do to survive an overnight flight? Leave a comment on my latest instagram @planetochampagne and LMK what I missed!